Spring just a month away! Save the date of Saturday, March 28th to welcome it back with Interlakes Community Caregivers at The Mug, Route 3, Center Harbor. Tickets are $25 per person in advance, $30 at the door. From 4 to 6pm, guests will enjoy a wine tasting among other frivolous spring-themed fun, including free appetizers. Each guest will have a chance to win a Think Spring door prize and several themed gift baskets will be raffled.To purchase your ticket, mail your check written out to Interlakes Community Caregivers to PO Box 78, Center Harbor, NH 03226. Please note on your check “tickets”. For further information, call Ann Sprague at 253-9275, ext. 4, email Director.Caregivers@gmail.com or visit www.InterlakesCommunityCaregivers.org.