Jane Foster, one of the original founders of Community Caregivers, served our organization well over the years to support our mission, goals, policies and programs. Among the many ways Jane donated her time and talent to Community Caregivers include serving as a volunteer driver, a member of the Board of Directors from 2004 -2014, Secretary to the Board and member of the Executive Committee, as well as many other volunteer services. Volunteering was very important in Jane’s life and she did it well, serving in a number of capacities not only with Community Caregivers, but also in a number of other organizations in the region throughout her adult life. She transitioned to becoming a Neighbor in the past few years and we have been glad to lend support to Jane and her family. Jane always wanted to participate in Community Caregivers activities, attending the MiniGolf Tournaments and Annual Meetings. Jane died in May, a few weeks shy of her 91st birthday. We are extremely grateful for Jane contributed to Community Caregivers over the nearly 20 years she was a part of our organization. Her laugh, the twinkle in her eye, her determined spirit and generous nature will always be remembered.