Interlakes Community Caregivers paid tribute to our volunteers at our 2017 Annual Meeting and Volunteer Recognition held on May 17th at the Moultonborough Lions Club.
“Community Caregivers Volunteers provided over 2,500 services, donated almost 5,000 hours and drove over 51,000 miles in 2016. As our Volunteers provide the services we offer to the community, they are at the heart of everything we do,” stated Ann Sprague, ICCI Executive Director. Sprague went on to say that demand for services has grown significantly as the population ages in this rural community and wants to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible.
Volunteers were recognized for their service in a variety of categories.
Sylvia Detscher of Meredith was recognized for having driven the greatest number of miles providing rides to Neighbors, a total of 3,735 miles in 2016.
Bill Lee of Meredith donated the greatest number of hours in 2016 (258) who, along with his wife Linda, are one of our husband and wife Volunteer Driver teams.

Length of Volunteer Service.
5 Years, Pat Lincoln and Richard Russell of Moultonborough and Debra Peaslee and Susan Speers of Sandwich.
10 Year Recognition went to Mike and Pat Devanney of Moultonborough.
Each recognized volunteer received a red “Caring Heart” carnation.

John Buckley, outgoing Board President, was presented with the prestigious Charlotte A. Leavitt Award in Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service for his dedication, commitment and passion for the mission since 2006 when he began as a Volunteer Driver. Buckley has served in a variety of leadership roles during his tenure: President for the past three years, Vice President, Chair of the Executive Committee, and Co-Chair of the Fund Development Committee. Cited also were his efforts to improve business practices for the non-profit, including the acquisition of new technology to improve service coordination and a donor base management system, as well as the development of a planned giving program. John will complete his term with one more year on the Board and continues as a Volunteer Driver and on the MiniGolf Tournament Committee.