Interlakes Community Caregivers invites the public to an Open House on Wednesday, April 12 from 10am to 12 Noon at the Moultonborough Public Library to learn more about ICCI and volunteer opportunities available.
“Nearly 300 people in our community – the majority aging women living alone – are able to go to medical appointments, take care of personal errands, and go to the grocery store or food pantry thanks to Community Caregivers Volunteers,” stated Ann Sprague, Executive Director. Sprague continued that these services allow people to remain living independently in their own homes and that the demand is growing in large part due to the aging demographics of the area.
The Open House will offer the opportunity to meet and talk with current volunteers, learn how volunteers help local residents, and discover how easily you can fit volunteering with Community Caregivers into your schedule. Light refreshments will be served.
Lead Coordinator Audrey Wedick will be on hand to show attendees a bit of the Assisted Rides scheduling program that was launched last year and makes your volunteer commitment easier. Visual images will show the many activities of Community Caregivers volunteers which allow a variety of talents to be donated to their mission.
Whether your interest is to volunteer directly with a Neighbor by becoming a Volunteer Driver or Friendly Visitor, interact with both Neighbors and Volunteers on the Coordinator Team, or work “behind the scenes” on a project, event or provide office support, Community Caregivers has something for everyone. Mileage Reimbursement is offered to Volunteer Drivers. Volunteers must complete training and meet other qualifications. Volunteer Education Sessions are scheduled for the following Wednesdays, April 19 and 26 from 9:30am to 12:30pm and Volunteer Education Manuals will be provided in advance.
Learn how you can make a difference in the life of your neighbor by stopping by the Moultonborough Library on April 12th. The library is located at 4 Holland Street, Moultonborough, at the corner of NH Route 25 and Holland Street, next to the Moultonborough Town Hall.
For more information, contact Ann Sprague at 253-9275, Director.Caregivers@gmail.com or visit their website at www.InterlakesCommunityCaregivers.org.