Donate $1 to ICCI and Get a 2nd Scoop of Ice Cream For Free on Free Cone Day

(March 24, 2017 – Meredith, NH) Interlakes Community Caregivers, Inc., a local nonprofit volunteer organization, will partner with Ben & Jerry’s of Meredith for their Free Cone Day on Tuesday, April 4th from 12 to 8 pm at Mill Falls Marketplace.
“On Free Cone Day, when you order your ice cream, donate just $1 for Community Caregivers and you’ll get a second scoop of ice cream,” says Ann Sprague, ICCI Executive Director. She indicated that she and many Community Caregivers volunteers will be on hand to spread the word about volunteering with their organization and to bring awareness about the wonderful things Community Caregivers volunteers do for our community each and every day.
“We love getting involved with and giving back to our communities. It’s amazing what we can do together over shared values and several scoops of ice cream,” said Liz Breton, Manager, Ben & Jerry’s of Meredith.
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream fans are invited to join in on the company’s long-time tradition of thanking fans for their commitment and ongoing support through their annual Free Cone Day. The company was founded on the idea that business has not just the opportunity, but also the responsibility to give back to the community. The annual Free Cone Day merges the two founding principles and demonstrates that giving back to the community is just as sweet as free ice cream.
The local scoop shop is located at Mill Falls Marketplace, 312 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith. Ben & Jerry’s is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 8pm and Sundays 12noon to 6pm beginning March 31st, and will open 7 days a week beginning April 7th. New this year, indoor seating will be available for the summer.